[Site "Montesilvano (ITA)"] [Date "2022.05.04"] [Round "2.1"] [White "Formento Paolo"] [Black "Mastrovasilis Dimitrios"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "D02"] [WhiteElo "2336"] [BlackElo "2621"] [PlyCount "78"] [EventDate "2022.??.??"] 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Bf4 c5 4. e3 Nc6 5. Nbd2 Nh5 $5 6. dxc5 Nxf4 7. exf4 g6 8. c3 Bh6 $5 9. g3 Bg7 10. Nb3 O-O 11. Qd2 b6 $1 12. O-O-O $2 (12. Bb5 Bg4 $1) (12. cxb6 Qxb6 $44 13. Qxd5 $141 $2 Nb4 $3 14. cxb4 Bb7 15. Qd1 Bxb2 $19 { [%csl Rb4][%cal Gf8d8]}) 12... Bg4 13. Be2 e6 {[%csl Gd5]} (13... Bxf3 $1 { first, was even stronger} 14. Bxf3 e6 {[%csl Gd5]} 15. c4 $140 {[%csl Rd5]} bxc5 16. cxd5 exd5 17. Bxd5 Qb6 $40 {[%csl Rc1,Gg7][%cal Ga7a5,Ga5a4,Ya8b8]}) 14. Nfd4 Nxd4 15. cxd4 Bxe2 16. Qxe2 a5 $40 {[%cal Ga5a4]} 17. cxb6 Qxb6 18. Kb1 a4 $6 {[%cal Ga5a4,Ga4a3]} (18... Rfc8 {[%csl Rd4][%cal Gd1c1]} 19. Nc5 Bxd4 $1 20. Rxd4 Rxc5 $17) 19. Nc5 a3 (19... Rfc8 $6 20. Nd7 {[%csl Rg7][%cal Gd7e5]} (20. a3)) 20. b3 (20. Nd7 $141 $6 Qa7 21. Nxf8 axb2 22. a3 $8 {is surprisingly not losing straight away} Bxf8 (22... Qxa3 $6 23. Qxb2 Qxf8 24. Rd3 $8) 23. Rd3 $7 Bxa3 24. Qc2 $8 Qb6 25. Qb3 $8 $17) 20... Ra7 {[%cal Rc5d7, Ga8a7,Ga7c7,Yf8c8]} (20... Rfc8 21. Nd7 {[%csl Rg7][%cal Gd7e5]} (21. Qd3 { [%cal Ge2d2,Ge2d3]} Bxd4 22. Nd7 $1 {[%cal Gd3d4]}) 21... Qb4 22. Ne5 Rc3 23. Rd3 $8 Rac8 24. Rxc3 $13 {[%cal Gh1d1]}) 21. Qd2 Rc8 22. Rc1 Rac7 {[%csl Rc5] [%cal Gg7d4,Bg7f8]} 23. h4 $6 (23. Rc3) (23. Rhd1) 23... Bxd4 $1 24. Qxd4 Rxc5 25. Rxc5 (25. Rc3 R8c6 {[%cal Gc3c5,Gc6c5]}) 25... Rxc5 {[%csl Rd4][%cal Gc5c1] } 26. Qd2 $2 {passive} (26. Rd1 $1 {[%csl Gd4]} Qc6 {[%cal Rd1c1] unlike 26... Qc7 from c6 the Queen not only "prevents" 27.Qa4 but is ready to jump into action via the long white diagonal whenever ...d5-d4 is allowed} (26... Qc7 27. Qa4 {[%csl Ra3]} (27. Qb4 {[%csl Ra3]} Qa7 28. Qd4) 27... Ra5 {[%cal Ga4b4, Gb4d4]} 28. Rc1 $5 Rxa4 29. Rxc7 Re4 30. Ra7 Re1+ 31. Kc2 Re2+ 32. Kb1 $10 { [%cal Ge2e1]}) (26... h5 27. b4 $1 Rb5 28. Qxb6 Rxb6 29. Rd4 {[%cal Gb1c2, Gc2b3]} f6 $8 {[%cal Ge6e5]} 30. Kc2 e5 31. fxe5 fxe5 32. Rxd5 Rxb4 $10 33. Rxe5 Rb2+ 34. Kd3 Rxf2 35. Re2 Rf3+ 36. Re3) (26... Qb5 $5 27. Rc1 $1 {[%csl Gc5,Gc1]} (27. h5 $6 gxh5 28. Qf6 $2 h6 $1 $19 29. Qxh6 $2 Qe2 {[%cal Gh6g5, Gg8h7]}) 27... Rxc1+ 28. Kxc1 Qe2 29. Qd2 $11) 27. Qb4 $6 {looks risky now} ( 27. Qa4 $5 Qxa4 28. bxa4 Rc4 29. Rd3 (29. a5) 29... Rxa4 30. Kc2 {[%csl Ra3] [%cal Gc2b3,Gb3b4] is actually completely fine for White who is going to regain the pawn by collecting the stranded a3-pawn}) (27. h5 {[%cal Gh5h6] is what worried me during the game} gxh5 $140 28. Qf6 $132 {[%csl Rg8][%cal Gf6g5, Gf6d8]}) 27... Rc2 {[%cal Bb4a3,Bc2f2]} (27... d4 {[%cal Gc6e4]} 28. Qxa3 $8 Qe4+ 29. Ka1 Qc2 {Do Not Panic} 30. Rf1 {[%cal Ga3b2]}) 28. Qb8+ Kg7 29. Qe5+ f6 30. Qe3 $140 Rb2+ 31. Ka1 Qc2 32. Qa7+ $8 Kh6 33. Qxa3 {and Black has a pleasant choice between 33...Rxa2+ and 33...QxRd1+}) 26... d4 $2 {[%cal Gd5d4, Ya8h1,Rh4h5] obvious, yet not the best - both alternatives below are clearly superior} (26... Qc6 {[%csl Gc6][%cal Gd5d4]} 27. Rc1 (27. h5 d4 {[%csl Rh1] [%cal Gd5d4,Bc6e4,Yc5h5]} 28. Re1 $8 {[%cal Rc6e4]} Rxh5 29. Qxd4 Rd5 30. Qb4 { [%csl Ra3]} Qa6 {[%csl Ga3]}) 27... h5 $1 28. Rxc5 $140 Qxc5 {[%csl Gc5][%cal Gd5d4]}) (26... h5 $5 {[%cal Gh1c1,Gb6c6] safety first, with a huge advantage in either case}) 27. Rc1 {[%csl Gc5,Gc1]} Rd5 {to keep both heavy pieces} ( 27... e5 $5 28. fxe5 Rxe5 29. Rc8+ Kg7 30. Rc4 d3 {correct is} (30... Rd5 $17) 31. Qxd3 $8 Qxf2 32. Qc3 $1 {[%csl Gc3,Re5][%cal Gc3g3,Gc3g7,Bd3d4,Bf2g3] and somehow Black doesn't have much} f6 $1 (32... Qf1+ 33. Kc2 Qe2+ 34. Kc1 $1 { [%cal Bg7h6,Bc3d2]}) 33. Rc7+ $8 Kh6 34. Qc1+ $1 Kh5 {[%cal Rc7h7,Gh5g4]} 35. Qd1+ $1 Qe2 36. Rxh7+ Kg4 37. Qxe2+ Rxe2 {[%csl Gg4,Rb1,Be2,Ba3] looks very promising to my eyes ; however, computer is completely unfazed, as usual - the same goes for}) (27... h5 28. Qd3 {[%cal Ge6e5,Gf4f5]} Rf5 $5 {[%cal Ge6e5]} 29. Rc4 $1 {[%csl Rd4]} e5 30. fxe5 Rxf2 31. Qxd4 Rb2+ 32. Kc1 Qb7 33. Qe4 Qa7 34. Qd4 {and the Rook ending after} Qxd4 35. Rxd4 Rxa2 36. Ra4 {[%csl Gb3] doesn't promise much because of White's b-passer}) 28. Qd3 $2 (28. Rc4 $1 d3 29. Kc1 $7 $13 {[%csl Gd1][%cal Gb1c1,Gc1d1,Bd2e3]}) 28... Qb4 $6 (28... Qa5 $1 {[%csl Ga5,Bb4][%cal Bb6b4]} 29. Rc8+ Kg7 30. Qe4 d3 {[%csl Ga5,Rb4][%cal Gd4d3]} (30... e5) 31. Kc1 $8 Rc5+ 32. Rxc5 Qxc5+ 33. Qc4 Qxf2 34. Qxd3 Qb2+ 35. Kd1 Qxa2 36. Qc3+ f6 $19) (28... e5 $6 29. fxe5 Rxe5 30. Rc8+ $1 Kg7 { [%csl Rg7]} 31. Rc4 $1) 29. Rd1 $6 {the only defence was extremely hard to find } (29. Rc8+ $1 Kg7 30. Qe4 {[%csl Rb4,Ga5][%cal Gd4d3]} Qd2 $140 31. Rc2 { forces the black Queen back} Qa5 32. Rc6 $1 d3 (32... e5 33. f5 {[%cal Gf5f6]}) 33. Kc1 $8 {[%cal Gb1c1,Gc1d1]}) 29... h5 30. Rd2 $138 Kh7 {prophylaxis} (30... Rd8) (30... Qb7) 31. f3 {[%csl Rg3][%cal Gf2f3,Ya8h1,Ge6e5] this blocks the a8-h1 diagonal, but leaves a potential g3-weakness (after the central break ... e6-e5)} (31. Kc1 $5 {[%cal Gb1c1,Gc1d1]} Qb7 $1 {[%cal Ge6e5,Gd5c5,Bf4e5,Bd5e5, Yb7h1]}) 31... Qd6 {[%cal Ge6e5] preparing the ... e6-e5 break} 32. Rc2 Kg7 { [%csl Rh7,Bg7][%cal Ge6e5,Gf4f5] However, after ... e5, fxe5 the King stands worse along the dark diagonal on g7} (32... e5 {(!)} 33. f5 $7 Kg7 $1 34. fxg6 Qxg6 {[%csl Gg6,Gd3]} 35. Qxg6+ Kxg6 {is another Rook ending i evaluated poorly during the game - Black is winning comfortably, yet somehow i insisted on keeping the Queens on and playing for the initiative} 36. Rc6+ (36. Kc1 f5 { [%cal Ge5e4]}) 36... Kf5 37. Kc2 Rd8 {[%csl Rg3][%cal Gd8g8]} 38. Rh6 Rc8+ 39. Kd2 Rc3 40. Rxh5+ Ke6 41. f4 f6 $19) (32... Rf5 {[%cal Ge6e5] (bot)}) (32... Qd7 {[%cal Ge6e5,Rf4f5]} 33. Re2 Rc5 {[%cal Gc5c3]} 34. Rc2 Rf5 $1 {[%cal Ge6e5] (bot)}) 33. Rc4 e5 $1 34. fxe5 (34. f5 $2 gxf5 35. Qxf5 e4 $1 (35... d3 $2 36. Qg5+ Qg6 37. Qxg6+ Kxg6 38. Kc1) (35... Qg6 $2 36. Qxg6+ Kxg6 37. Kc2) 36. Qxe4 d3 37. Kc1 Qf6 $19 {[%cal Gf6a1]}) 34... Qxe5 {[%csl Rg3][%cal Gf2f3]} 35. Qe4 $6 (35. f4 $8 Qe3 (35... Qe7 $5 36. Rxd4 $4 Qf6 $1 {[%csl Rd4][%cal Gf6b2]}) 36. Qxe3 (36. Rc3 $8) 36... dxe3 37. Re4 Rd1+ 38. Kc2 Rd2+ 39. Kc3 Rxa2 40. Rxe3 Rg2 $19 {[%csl Rg3][%cal Ga3a2]}) 35... Qd6 $4 $138 {after spending most of my remaining time (5' out of 6' minutes) and not finding a clear win (despite there being a relatively easy one) i've decided once more against the Queen trade} (35... d3 $1 36. Qxe5+ Rxe5 {[%cal Rc4d4,Ge5e1]} 37. Kc1 (37. Re4 Rxe4 38. fxe4 Kf6 39. b4 Ke5 40. b5 Kxe4 41. b6 Ke3 $19) 37... Re2 38. Rd4 Rxa2 39. Rxd3 {[%cal Ba2g2,Bc1b1]} Ra1+ $1 {i've missed this simple move} 40. Kc2 Rg1 $19 {[%cal Ga3a2]}) 36. f4 $4 {time trouble blunder} (36. Kc2 $1 {[%cal Gb1c2,Bb1c1,Bc1d2,Gc2d3,Gc2d2]} d3+ 37. Kd2 {and White is absolutely fine} Re5 38. Qd4 {[%csl Rg7,Gd4,Gd6]} (38. Rc6 $5 Qe7 39. Qd4 {[%csl Rg7]})) 36... d3 37. Kc1 {[%cal Gb1c1,Gc1d1]} Qf6 $1 {[%csl Rc1][%cal Gf6a1] game over} 38. Kd1 (38. Qxd5 Qb2+ 39. Kd1 Qe2+ 40. Kc1 Qe1#) 38... Qa1+ 39. Rc1 Qxa2 { [%csl Rb3][%cal Be4d5,Ba2e2]} 0-1